In 2024, RENDER is entering its 53rd year serving the North American and global rendering industry. RENDER is published in February, April, June, August, October, and December as a non-profit activity in association with the North American Renderers Association in the interest of informing the North American and global rendering and its affiliated industries on management, operations, research and development, product markets, environmental control, quality assurance, and legislative issues within all facets of the rendering industry.

RENDER continues to be the only magazine focusing on the US and global rendering industry. Industry leaders worldwide recognize RENDER as the premier publication for informing the global rendering and affiliate industries about challenges faced by government regulations across the world, ever-changing international markets, new and improved technology for rendering operations, the benefits of rendered products in animal nutrition, and new markets for animal fats and proteins. Because RENDER is the only publication serving the US and global rendering industry, you have a captive audience when advertising in RENDER.

Along with the nearly 3,000 US and international subscribers, RENDER is seen by about 500 monthly visitors to the magazine’s website. This adds additional value for promoting your product or service in RENDER as advertisers receive a complimentary website link on RENDER’s homepage for the length of each advertising contract. In addition, each issue of RENDER is posted on the site as an interactive file, allowing readers to click on a web link in an ad.


For information regarding our advertising rates, mechanical specifications, editorial calendar, and specifics on circulation, please download our Media Kit. (read Deadline Information here)
